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tv   The Kudlow Report  CNBC  August 28, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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i like to say, there's always a bull market somewhere. i'm jim cramer. see you tomorrow. die two a the republican convention. reform is the key word. this is the kudlow report, coming to you live from the republican national convention in tampa, florida. there are two big stories we're covering tonight. just moments ago, mitt romney was formally nominated as the republican cooped for president. and hurricane isaac making a beeline for louisiana. first up, the convention where 1144 delegates nominated mitt romne romney-paul ryan ticket. the gop platform was also unveiled the major point, the american dream is at risk. in the document, the republicans will, and i quote, ebegin anew
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with profound changes on the way the government operates, the way it budgets, taxes and regulates. we have this story covered uniquely to cnbc. your money and your vote. also tonight, breaking news, hurricane isaac has strengthened and it will make land fall tonight. meteorologist tom gross, what is the latest? >> hurricane isaac has gotten a little stronger as it closes in on the gulf coast. isaac's maximum sustained winds have increased to 80 miles an hour. there will be a heavy storm surge. we'll have more minutes away. larry, back to you in tampa. mitt romney, officially the republican nominee for president. we're on the floor of the convention with the details. good evening, john. >> you can feel the excitement building in the hall. a lot of pent-up energy by these
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delegates who were put off on monday because of that storm that you were just talking about. but the show is really going to get on the road tonight. the two big communicators tonight are ann romney and chris christie. the government of new jersey will be the clean-up speaker to night. he said his message is going to be about both confronting democrats and the failures he sees in the economic record, but also what can get done across party lines. he can do it in new jersey, mitt romney can do it in the white house. >> we've compromised on significant pension and health benefit reform that few other people have done in the country. capped property taxes. have done a number of things people said we weren't going to be able to get done. >> but of course, ann romney, even though she speaks before chris christie may be the most important of the night. she practiced at the podium this afternoon. got a feel for this convention hall, that warm wood panelling that you can see behind me.
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she said i'm going to speak from my hearts, connecting mitt romney as a husband, a father, a grandfather. potentially a powerful message to try to deep deepen the american public's review. that's why they moved ann romney from monday night when the american networks were not going to take the republican convention to tonight. it will be fascinating to see how well she con nekts. >> we will be speaking with you later. so who do you think the mystery guest is going to be? tweet us your guess? that's the mystery guest thursday night. now, let's turn tonight to a very special guest. once again, the republicans will begin anew with profound changes with the way government operates, the way it budgets,
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tacks a and regulates. >> more people are interested in the platform than the speakers. 52% to 46%. i have never seen that before. what does it mean that republicans are going to change the way it taxes, budgets and regula regulates, what does that mean? >> we know we're suffering from the worst economy since the great depression. so what republicans under mitt romney and paul ryan want to do, number one, fundamental tax reform. a system that's fair, flatter, simpler, more competitive, bring down rates, flatten the banks. part of what we need to do is get off the road of being greece is economic growth. second of all, we're going to make sure that government is limited to its traditional size of 20% of the economy. barack obama has us on the path to 40%. and so we're going to make sure the federal budget doesn't outgrow the ability of the family budget to pay for it.
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regulation. you can't dig a hole in your backyard without getting the permission of the epa. the government shouldn't be able to put out huge swaths of americans out of work destroying industries without at least doing an economic impact statement. make sure that congress, congress is accountable. those are going to be fundmen l al changes to get the economy moving in. >> i'm a supply sizer. that's no secret. i like what i'm hearing. what i want to ask you is how to get this done. this is pro market, pro entrepreneur, pro business, pro growth. how to get this done. that is what a lot of americans are going to be asking throughout this convention. how can you all do it? >> well, the first thing a president has to do is select the right people. got to have the right people on the bus if you're going to get it done. here governor romney picks the single best person on capitol hill, who knows the appropriation process, who understands how that works and he picked paul ryan.
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i think you're going to see that throughout the cabinet. you have to instill confidence in the market. capital is not going to make the investments we need in order to get the jobs that we need if we don't have confidence. i think mitt romney will instill that. if you approve the keystone pipeline on day one, repeal obama care, get everyone a waiver to get past that and work on fundamental tax reform with a mandate in november and push it out towards january. >> would you like to see mitt romney talk more specifically -- he has a 20% across the board tax cut. he has a 25% corporate tax rate down to 35. but a lot of times he doesn't say this specifically. those are things investors and businesses really want to hear. why isn't he more specific on that? >> i don't know, larry. it's part of his very comprehensive plan. he's seen it. this could help ignite economic growth. as we continue to have millions of our countrymen
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unemploymented. when we have the president te telling small business people you did not build that, we need more confidence in the tax code. and the spafrks of it, he's going past where ryan went on tax reform. this could be a jolt in the national economy. >> i'm only leaning over because i have to hear you from the great band we're hearing. what about the energy story? mitt romney talks a lot about the development of energy sources. >> there are literally tens of thousands of jobs that could be available related to the keystone pipeline. opening up the drilling. i come from the state with a lot of public lands. the idea that the states would help administer the federal law so we can accelerate that process. the reality is under the obama administration, the public lands have been tied up to the point that we can't access the resources we have in our own backyard. so energy independence is one of the major themes in order to get america back to work and make more economic sense. >> how big a factor is this rise
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in gasoline going to be? >> the reality is when barack obama took office, the price of gallon was $1.84. in my state, we pay more than $3.60. you can't double the price of gasoline 234 four years and the done think that americans -- >> the last one to you, jeff. what about keystone pipeline. connecting north america so it can have energy independence. >> you're right, larry. for the first time in my lifetime, you can actually say energy independence for america. you know, with the horizontal drilling, with the fracking. but the keystone pipeline is part and parcel of that. it doesn't do any good unless we can refine it. mitt romney is going to finally allow us to use american resources. >> a lot of jobs there. a lot of blue collar jobs there. >> absolutely. >> high-paying blue collar jobs. gentlemen, thank you very much. i'm going to have to boogey. now let's turn to today's other big story.
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hurricane isaac. hello, todd. >> thanks, larry, as you can see from the radar, hurricane isaac is approaching land. the eye expected to hit land around 9:00 eastern time. but it's already starting to skirt the louisiana coast at this hour. you can see a little piece of louisiana sticks out and that's where the eye is approaching right at this hour, believe it or not. the storm surge expected to reach six to 12 feet in parts of louisiana and mississippi. power outages,ed flooi iflood' n rains, slow pace of the storm. very few storms serve up that kind of rain. so flooding becomes a big issue as well. now let's turn to cnbc's brian shachman in new orleans with more on the story.
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brian? >> thank you. six gulf coast refineries are now shut. that's about a million plus barrels a day. 6 1/2% of overall refining capacity. a valero facility, that shut down. another 200,000. 93% of oil production, 67% of gas in the entire gulf right now is offline. there are some rigs and platforms running off the texas coast, but they don't produce nearly as much. when it comes to stocks and investments, i want to give you a quick nugget here. we talked with valero today. they have two refineries shut down. they say it could take weeks or months to have a material impact on the bottom line. the stock closed down 1% and at a 52-week high. but as you know, things are fluid and ever changing. we expect to have updates on the refineries and other elements at 10:00 p.m. eastern time. back to you.
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>> back to you in tampa. >> republicans talking about reform to grow the economy. is wall street buying it? the later on, fin weber, here's the economic adviser. we are. >> going to get into the nitty-gritty of romney's plans to grow jobs and the economy. is it real? is it believable? don't forget, free market capitalism, it's the best path to prosperity. i just want to hear more of it in this convention. we'll be straight back. [ male announcer ] at scottrade, we believe the more you know, the better you trade. so we have ongoing webinars and interactive learning, plus, in-branch seminars at over 500 locations,
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for a second day in a row, the stocks were flat. maybe it was the lead-up to the holiday weekend. maybe people are already on vacation. could also be the countdown to ben bernanke's speech in jackson hole in a coup of days. on the economy front today, the housing market continues to show line signs of life. the case-shiller data came in better than expected, showing prices on the rise. but the big surprise negatively,
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consumer confidence fell. let's talk to our great friend david malpass what's your quick read on the economy? because it's going to be the big issue in this election. >> i think we run risks in 2013. right now it's holding. so we're running 1%, 2% growth. >> 1, 2% growth. so pretty low. not far from a recession. >> no. it's really been a weak recovery. it's nice to see housing come back some. that could add 0.5% to gdp. it had been subtracting before. >> what's that mean for the election? >> it's not enough to get the unemployment rate down. we can watch that 8% level. right now we're at 8.2%. and there's going to be two more reports before we go into the election. we'll see if it comes down a little. that's all. >> there's a lot of people on
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cult, do you think market markets and investors see mitt romney as the pro market business guy or not? >> i think it is con vensing. the question is, how are you again to be able to lead that. i'll give you one word, taxes. markets really care a huge amount about the tax rate. when you even something, you're getting after tax income. that's all the focus can be right now. >> how about the market in general, if we grow high unemployment, a lot of uncertainty about taxes, what's your take on the market? >> i turned cautious in august. we have crunch points in europe and in europe on the fiscal front. i think it's hard for bernanke to actually please people.
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all he's saying he's going to do is buy up more government debt and how is that really going to please the economy or the market. it's a policy that has not worked at all. and so why would that please the market. he'll give a big speech on friday or on saturday. and people will kind of cheer okay, great. the fed is here. but that's not going to change the course of the economy. >> you know, administration is worried about a blow-up in europe. they've said that and blamed that on some of the problems. what are some of the risks that could come back and haunt the usa. >> we should recognize, you were is very important to the u.s. their banks are nearly four times bigger than our banks. and they're in a deep recession. spain, italy, greece in true recession. with unemployment rates at 20%. so from the u.s. standpoint, we're going to feel it, it
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begins to unravel. >> another factor for our economy could be china. big story about china inventories expanding and a glut, real estate glut. how bad is the china story? >> there's a couple of things going on. their orders are weakening because europe is in a recession. their currency has begun to weaken. it's been strengthening now since 1994. and so really, and therefore that means u.s. wizes are going to feel different price levels coming out of china. so both of those are important to the u.s. >> huge risks on both sides. >> i call it crunch points that come to a head in september. in part, because the u.s. isn't proposing any solutions on the act says spending or tax side. it's been remarkable to me that the administration hasn't put
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forward any plan to fix the tax increases. >> has mitt romney put forward a credible plan? >> he's had a plan from the beginning. and it's very credible. i think what needs to be seen is, as president, can you really lead through that. remember, ronald reagan came in with good plans but it took lots of work to -- >> 18 months. >> it took 18 months. you were there. >> all right, great stuff. david helping us out as usual. you're looking at a live picture of the speaker of the house, john boehner. let's listen in for a second. >> balanced budget and an end to the uncertainty and the tax hikes that threaten small businesses. >> we need to root out and fix washington's worst habits. when i met paul ryan 22 years ago, he was at university of miami of ohio volunteering in my
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first campaign. soon he will be the nominee for the vice president of the united states. who who says this isn't the greatest country on earth. >> any comeback needs true believers. >> if you want your children and our children to have a better future, then mitt romney and paul ryan need your help. because we cannot turn this tied only, though, if all of us are all in all of the time. >> all right. that's speaker of the house john boehner. we go inside the economic plan. my special interview with republican strategist, romney economic policy adviser vin weber. please stay with us. we've got a whole convention going on behind me.
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to get your new volkswagen. music: "make someone happy" music: "make someone happy" ♪it's so important to make someone happy.♪ it's so important to make someone happy.♪ ♪make just one heart to heart you - you sing to♪ ♪one smile that cheers you
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♪one face that lights when it nears you.♪ ♪and you will be happy too. all right, welcome back to "the kudlow report." we're live from the 2012 republican national convention. every pundit, every pole says this election is about one thing, a referendum on the current state of the american
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economy. so here to talk to us now, just two days from mitt romney's nomination -- actually, mitt romney's official speech to accept the nomination is vin weber, mitt romney's senior economic policy adviser. okay. tax cuts, budget cuts and entitlement reform, regulatory reform. we've got that, we got that. it's all over. >> it's big. >> it is big. and it's different. and it's not your old republican platform>> it's not. what is the strategy to get things done. >> first of all, when mitt romney wins, i think he's going to have a republican congress to work with him. not 60 votes but a republican senate. they're going to have to use the reconciliation process that allows things to pass by a 51 rather than 0-vote margin to accomplish major economic policy
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changes. >> taxes, budgets. we did the same thing under reagan. the democrats will scream but we're going to have to do it to get the tax issues under control. that's important. >> mitt romney has a very good history of being a guy to make deals, make spenceable deals, not give away his principles. he was in that business. he's the turnaround guy. an operation of u.s. government ink that needs a turnaround. how fast do you reckon mitt romney would look for a cooperative deal to start fixing things? >> i think pretty fast. identified mitt romney, absolutely right. he said he was going to change washington with some lofty tone and vague principles. instead, washington is more polarized and less functional. mitt romney is a get down and
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solve this problem guy. he'll work with democrats who want to work with him. he'll wark with our congressional leadership. democrats on the hill are all for obama, but they don't like the relationship they've had with this white house. this white house doesn't know how to work with the congress. mitt romney will put together a hard-working team that will get this done. >> this fiscal cliff. the ceo says there's a recession staring us in the face and it's not going to be easy after the election. what are the romney plans? >> i believe the house and the nat in my judgment will have the majority to pass votes to put off the taxes and allow the romney administration to reform. the question is, what would a lame duck president barack obama do when such a bill comes to his desk. i think the house republicans are going to pass something like
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this. but if the republicans win this election, as i think they're going to, there's going to be a bunch of democrats that are not going to want to immediately come back at the election and stand in the way of republicans preventing us from going over the cliff. >> order number one. but you have to have a president coming to the end of his term that cares more about the country than his ideology. >> top romney economic adviser. up next on kudlow, kentucky republican senator rand paul is going to make his prime time to the convention tomorrow evening. we get a sneak preview tonight. i don't spend money on gasoline.
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>> i am larry kudlow.
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in this half-hour, the new reformist republican party made it clear here today, this is not your grandfather's g.o.p. this is not your father's g.o.p. this comes from the bottom y up that changed the face of the gop .. also tonight, the number one movie in the country, a blockbuster, has nothing to do with aliens or gun fights were superheros. it's a conservative critique of president obama. and for some reason, the mainstream media refuses to cover this. why is it? we're going to ask the movie's director. so let's take a look at the floor of the convention. thousands of delegates, party reps, media and entertainment. let's take a listen.
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do you believe that he got a fair shake? >> they were cooperative in allowing him to have his own rally yesterday. he got to say anything the wanted for hours before 10,000 supporters. it was a big deal. they allowed us 20 engage on the platform. my dad's senior issue has been audit the fed. i specifically have a bill that says we shouldn't have drone surveillance domestically in our country without a warrant. we're pretty pleased with how romney is cooperating with us on the platform. >> linking the dollar to gold, there is a gold commission in the platform.
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are you pleased with that. just having the discussion again would be a big deal. >> in terms of your dad's and your free market philosophy, okay, what will it take to bring those people who voted for your dad into the republican party on the basis of a free market policy, which is pro growth is, pro prosperity, pro entrepreneur. >> i think some are already in the party to stay. they are transforming the party in many ways.
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if you're winning little fwits of time, they are influencing the party. what i tell the republican party is you need to be more welcoming and accept these people. there are lots of places republicans aren't winning. they're not winning in california, oregon or washington. whooi do you think that is? >> i think the traditional republican message isn't resonating with young voters and independent voters, there's something about the libertarian message. it's a little bit less aggressive foreign policy. it's also more tolerant towards drug issues or things like that. we don't want to put someone in jail for 20 years for marijuana use. that fol tolerance for some kind of behaviors that they're not harming anyone attracts more independents and moderates. >> it sounds that mitt romney and paul ryan are certainly more sympathetic and supportive of the free enterprise, free market system you and your dad always
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talked about that. do you guy that? are you happy with what they're saying? >> i think a lot of economic issues, they are free market, free trade. there's a lot of room for agreement. a lot of times, people want to emphasize the disagreement between the ron paul republicans and the rest of the republicans. really the overlap is close to 90%. 5%, 10% disagreement. sometimes strong disagreement. we think you should got a jury trial before being sent to guantanamo bay. or better yet, american citizens should probably not be sent to guantanamo bay. but at the very least, you should get a jury trial. other republicans will say i agree with that. we have votes in congress where they have allowed wording to be in bills saying you could send someone to guantanamo bay without a jury trial. >> but just to wrap up, lower taxes, shrinking budgets, are you happy with the g.o.p. message on that? >> yes. i'm very happy with $6 trillion
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of new debt under president obama. i think governor romney will and can turn around the country. >> that's great stuff. thank you very much. senator rand paul, thank you, we appreciate it as always. >> you're looking at live pictures at the rng convention floor check it out. ann romney is going to tell america more about her husband saying, and i quote, this man will lift america up. and she'll be followed by chris christie delivering the keynote address. but thursday night's address sor is still to be determined. we don't know. there are rumors swirling all over the twitter verse about who will fill the surprise slot. you can tweet us your guess at " the kudlow report, all one word or just #kudlow. back here, the ongoing theme tonight, you're going to hear a lot about is reform. here now for more insight are two contributors. robert costa of the
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international review. who's going to be the mystery guest before we start? >> familiar a ton of rumors swirling around. he's going to support romney. we heard nancy reagan. i heard clint eastwood. every hour there's another rumor. but i'm not sure. >> let me just ask, follow-up, the ann romney speech tonight, i think it's going to be incredibly important. networks weren't going to cover it. it was moved to tuesday. i just think that she's so effective in what she's going to say that this actually could be a game changer. your thoughts? >> there's been a caricature created about mitt romney. he's a cold-hearted capitalist. that's always about money. ann romney is going to puncture that caricature, which i think there's not a shred of truth to it anyway and she's going to
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show the real mitt romney, which i think will be appealing to many americans. >> you've been in touch with the christie people. what do you expect governor christie to say. >> i've been briefed on governor christ christie's speech. most of them know this as a youtube star. but tonight's speech is a little different in tone. it's about vision is, it's about bipartisan reform. he doesn't even mention the president's once. it just stays high minded and really tries to articulate an economic growth vision, not play the usual attack dog role the key goi often does. >> he's said in the past obama's class warfare is highly divisive and demoralizing to the economy? you don't expect him to say that tonight? >> we know him about the new jersey guy who throws punches. but tonight's speech is a pragmatic speech. it's about romney reforming massachusetts. i'm working with democrats in
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new jersey to confront the tough problems on pension reform. it's going to take leadership. romney is a leader. i've been a leader in new jersey. obama .is playing petty politics. we're going to elevate the debate. >> that's supposed to be about reform conservatism. that's what reform conservatism is. it's the pragmatic application of pro growth free market principles. wisconsin, new jersey, in congress it was paul ryan. now we're seeing it come together here with mitt romney taking the nomination. >> does business buy it and does the stock market investment community buy it? are they confident that romney and ryan can really change things? >> having watched this race, i think very hard, they are ready for a change. you can pick the medicare plan tax reform.
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they like the direction it's going. >> all right, great stuff. terrific. we appreciate it. let's go back to today's oh big story and get an update on hurricane isaac. todd gross joins us now with the latest. what can you tell us? >> the storm right now is skirting the coast of louisiana right now. as you can see from this radar still frame, the storm has organized a lot this afternoon. it's about to move into grand isle, louisiana which is a hurricane magnet. it lookses like it's starting to weaken in the last hour or so, but the problems with the storm are just starting. that's what we'll be covering. >> all right, now we turn to scott cohn with the latest on the ground, i believe. are you out there?
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>> it's a lotless of a storm than hurricane katrina was, but isaac is going to create some problems nonetheless. the longer that it stays where it is. as you heard, kind of skirting the louisiana coast. and wind coming into the east, it raises no s those levels, its those canals. what they're dealing with now, larry, a $14.6 government project. the upgrade of the levee system, a complete redesign of the levee system. the army corps of engineer was out there today. they closed the gates for the first time, closed off the canals, pro-effect protecting the city.
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>> the conditions are likely to continually deteriorate tonight and through the day tomorrow as the scepter of the storm is still scheduled or forecast to head to the north of new orleans. it's going to test that system, the first full scale test. president obama and his ideology get a full frontal vetting. the breakout feel "2016 -- obama's america" is fresh off a $6.2 million blockbuster weekend. the word is getting out. the media won't cover it. he'll join us next. and 70 days till election day. you're watching "the kudlow report." we're live from the republican
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convention in tampa as you can hear. you know what i love about this country?
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trick question. i love everything about this country! including prilosec otc. you know one pill each morning treats your frequent heartburn so you can enjoy all this great land of ours has to offer like demolition derbies. and drive thru weddings. so if you're one of those people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day, block the acid with prilosec otc and don't get heartburn in the first place. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. there's natural gas under my town. it's a game changer. ♪ it means cleaner, cheaper american-made energy. but we've got to be careful how we get it. design the wells to be safe. thousands of jobs. use the most advanced technology to protect our water. billions in the economy. at chevron, if we can't do it right, we won't do it at all.
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we've got to think long term. we've got to think long term. ♪ welcome back to "the kudlow report." we're getting word here in the skybox, the breakout film "2016" obama's america, fresh off a $6.3 million dollar blockbuster weekend, giving tense poll studios a run for their money is expanding now into 1,800 theatres. so my question is a simple one -- what does this surge of interest tell us about the presidential election? here to report is the man behind "2016 -- obama's america." he's also the president of the kings college in new york city. what does it tell us about the election? what do you think? how do you read it?
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>> i think it tells us there's a real hunger for information about obama. a sense that we still don't have the full story on this guy. it tells us that americans are worried that the american dream hangs in the balance. that this great american era which began in 1945 may be winding down. the question the film exploring is obama the presiding instrument of american decline or is he the architect of it? >> is he the prosecute esiding or the architect? >> he's not the architect because he hates america. he describes to an ideology that would down side america. he sees a more modest america and a more modest american dream. an america with a smaller footprint in the world. >> and a smaller footprint here at home. >> why doesn't can the mainstream media cover this? this is a fantastic story you have. why won't they? where are these entertainment weekly people? >> not just them. where's chris matthews, rachel
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mad dou maddow? i'm a third world guy. i'm a person of color. i have global bev like obama and i have taken the trouble to go to hawaii, indonesia, kenya. i talked to obah. ma's brother. there's information in the film that's irrefutable. and the mainstream media has gone into a protective moded in which they would like this information not to get out. >> do you go into the books obama writes and key characters like his father? >> i not only talk about his father but the group called obama's founding fathers. these aren't kenyans, these are americans, the former communist frank marshall davis in hawaii. a member of the palestine national council, a man that was called a professor of terror, a brazilian socialist at harvard where we know about jeremiah wright, the incendiary preacher. so obama has been hanging out with quite a group of people who have been shaping his mind over the years. >> i'm just going to surmise if
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people keep going into your movie and you're going to run into 1,800 h new theatres, this is a body blow to president obama. this is not what he wants. >> the movie is making $1 million a someday. it's expanding into a lot of new markets. we're getting overwhelm response. there are people that are leaving theatres singing "god mess america." for me a guy from india to come here and make this film it's fantastic. >> good luck on the movie. now chris christie is set to take the stage. he's expected to talk about leadership and making deals to get things done. his prime time moment may be 40 million plus will be watching. meanwhile, you're watching "the kudlow report." we're live from the national convention of the gop in tampa, florida. please stay with us. at usaa, we believe honor is not exclusive to the military,
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the grand opportunity party, you're hear it all in the background. but let's talk about this. former clinton white house official david goodfriend and jennifer rubin. author of ""the washington
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post"" right turned blog. the republican party has cleat kplooetly changed. this is a reformist party. it's on budgets and taxes and regulation. it's in the party platform. question -- after getting drubbed in '06 and '08, they had a big comeback in 2010. will this complete the comeback in 2012? >> that's what they hope. they incorporated the stae party movement. they brought them in the house. this is a united republican party. i think you're right, they're focused on concrete solutions in contrast to an incumbent president who literally has no specifics for his second term. i think they have latched on to the formula for winning in america once again. we are a center right country that wants to get out of the economic ditch. and they're saying that's the choice? >> my friend david goodfriend, it seems to me now the tables have turned. it's the democrats who are the tax and spend party surnd obama and the's the democrats who have lost the confidence of business.
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>> well, larry, this discussion is missing very, very important political element. and that is, you're right about the republican platform in that it's brought the tea party in. what you're failing to mention is the extreme positions on immigration and abortion that literally are chasing away independents, latinos, students, elderly. so we can talk about business and economics and we should. you have to focus on the albatross that this platform represents. todd akin is just the beginning. talking about abortion, make a constitutional amendment to make abortion illegal even in cases of rapes and ins zest, that's in the platform. that's really going to damage republicans. so is the immigration platform. it's going to hurt republicans. >> all right. i don't want to get involved in that. notice how bob doesn't want to talk about anything we want to talk about. >> it's dave.
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>> dave, excuse me. whoever you are. doesn't want to talk about the economy, debt, taxes. why? because these are loser issues. although people do care about immigration and social issues, they are so far down in the priorities of the american people. they only ranked 1% in gallup polls. >> this thing is going to be about the economy, you know it. and what's so interesting. >> oing, let's talk about that. >> you have this flock of republican governors who have become the reformers. they are changing the face of the gop. lower tax rates, deregulation, look at these names. john kasich, scott walker in wisconsin. in other words, democrats in california and illinois and connecticut are raising taxes and spending more and all the republican reformers are lowering taxes and spending less.
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this is a sea change that's going to haunt you in this general election. >> let's talk about a tale of two states. you mentioneds ohio, let's talk about maryland led by the democratic republican situation. in both instances you had an effort to reform pensions, union pensions at the state level. what happened in ohio. kasich's law he got passed was rejected by referendum was divided by state. it didn't work. in maryland, governor o'malley worked with taxpayers, unions, got an agreement done. no strikes, no protest in the streets. he got it done. >> ehe's also losing business by the bushelful. >> they're getting it done. >> these are swing states. ohio actually is trending better nationally. >> i have to stop. i was going to give jennifer the last word but she'll get it the next time. i prom.
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programming note for tomorrow night, we have an incredible all-star lineup joining me here at the convention. eric cantor, nicky haley, former secretary of state condee rice and marco rubio. plus i'll be back later tonight at 10:00, co-hosting a cnbc special co-fusing on the republican national convention and hurricane isaac. you'll hear ann romney and chris christie. that's to noo eight 10:00. that's it for now. at optionsxprl about options trading. we create easy to use, powerful trading tools for all. look at these streaming charts! they're totally customizable and they let you visualize what might happen next. that's genius! strategies. chains. positions. we put 'em all on one screen! could we make placing a trade any easier? mmmm...could we?
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